The turkey is gone and here come the reindeer. December is a busy month and not even writers are exempt. It is a conflicting time when we must fit writing in with all the busyness the month brings or vice versa. For a writer life consists of either writing or thinking about writing. Sometimes Golden West Casino Age Limit let wonderful ideas slip away from us. I penned a little tongue-in-cheek poem about that very thing. So, how do we keep these ideas from getting lost in the tinsel or being put on the back of the tree where no one sees? First, we need to write them down ASAP. We can do that by keeping a notepad nearby or taking a note on our phone. Some Golden West Casino Age Limit only waft in once, and then they are gone. Next, we can be intentional about capturing ideas to write about as we are doing our Christmas tasks. Is there a favorite ornament on the tree or a sentimental one that would make an interesting story? What is the best gift you ever gave or received? Listen to conversations. Do you have ideas to lessen the stress of people like your overworked sister-in-law? Can you think of ways to include elderly family members who may feel left out of all the festivities? These can all be article ideas. Read the Christmas story several times and see if something new jumps out you. Spend time thanking God for the greatest gift of his son and for giving you the gift of writing. Journal your memories of the season to be turned into devotions later. Sue Davis Potts is a freelance writer from Huntingdon, Tennessee. She is mother to her beautiful adult daughter, Jessa. Sue enjoys writing for both children and adults. She worked for years as a preschool teacher but feels most at home these days with other writers who speak her language. Both books are available on Amazon. Sue can be found on her website, www. Dad had dementia and it was hard to see past the last fourteen years of confusion. When Dad came to live with our family, he found companionship in his Bible and in books. His own brain played tricks on him, but books gave him a way to connect with the world of words and ideas. Dad suddenly had clarity and was able to articulate what he wanted to say to his Heavenly Father. He loved people and showed a great interest in their lives. My sister and I often joked he was the man of twenty questions, looking for ways to connect the dots with the intersection of our paths. Those paths took some twists and turns, but Dad clung to his faith in God and His plan. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. What would your obituary say? Make a list of what you want included, with dates of highlights in your life. Who is special to you?
Watch the October 15 th replay. Even as writers, we need to slow down and live in the moment. And library story time! Your first draft is only the beginning, not polished enough to send to a publisher. People have always had a natural talent for telling stories.
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