Egger photographer retains ownership and all copyrights in this work. It contains a small amusement park, concession stands, and areas for views and fishing. Not to be confused with Pacific Ocean Park, a former amusement park a few miles south which operated from to and has been demolished. The pier contains Pacific Park, a family amusement park with its solar panelled Ferris wheel. The brightly lit wheel can be seen from a distance and has been turned off during the Earth Hour observance. It also has an original carousel hippodrome from the s, the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium operated by Heal the Bay, shops, entertainers, a video arcade, Strip Poker With Sybil Gallery trapeze school, pubs, and restaurants. The pier's west end is a popular location for anglers. Santa Monica has had several piers; however, the current Santa Monica Pier is made up of two adjoining piers that long had separate owners. The long, narrow Municipal Pier opened September 9,primarily to carry sewer pipes beyond the breakers, and had no amenities. Looff and his son Arthur, amusement park pioneers. Attractions on the Pleasure Pier eventually included the Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome building which now houses the current carousel and is listed on the National Register of Historic Placesthe Blue Streak Racer wooden roller coaster which was purchased from the defunct Wonderland amusement park in San Diegothe Whip, merry-go-rounds, Wurlitzer organs, and a funhouse. It features 44 hand-carved horses. It was rebuilt in inside the Hippodrome. A calliope provides musical accompaniment. The La Monica Ballroom opened on July 23, Designed by T. Eslick with a Spanish façade and French Renaissance interior, it was the largest dance hall on the west coast, accommodating 5, dancers on its 15,square-foot 1, m2 hard maple floor. Country Strip Poker With Sybil Gallery star Spade Cooley began broadcasting his weekly television show from the ballroom inwhere the program remained until From untilthe ballroom served as a roller skating rink; first as Skater's Ballroom, and later as the Santa Monica Roller Rink, where the speed skating club won many state and regional championships. The La Monica Ballroom was demolished in The Pleasure Pier thrived during the s but faded during the Great Depression. During the s, most of the amusement park facilities were closed down and its attractions sold off. A breakwater was built in that provided docking for up to fishing and pleasure boats near the pier. The bridge and entry gate to Santa Monica Pier were built in by the federal Works Project Administration, and replaced the former grade connection. The Newcomb Pier was privately owned until it was acquired by the city in During the s and s various plans were proposed that would entail removal of the pier. The most extensive included the construction of an artificial island with a room hotel. The order to raze the pier was revoked by the city council in Within that same year, the Carousel and Hippodrome were locations for the film The Sting. Storms swept away the protective breakwater in During storms in earlythe pier experienced a significant loss. On January 27, there were reported swells of feet during this winter storm. When the storm was over, the lower deck of the pier was destroyed. The City of Santa Monica began repairs on March 1,when another storm rolled in. A crane which was being used to repair the west end was dragged into the water and acted as a battering ram against the pilings. Over one-third of the Pier was destroyed.
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