Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Yalancının Pokeri. Michael LewisNeşenur Domaniç Translator. New York'ta Stajyer olarak işe başlayan Lewis,izleyen üç yıl içinde Londra'da tahvil satıcılığına yükseldi ve şirket adına milyonların peşinde koşarken,modern zamanların altında hücum dönemini para kazandırma fırsatına dönüştürdü. Yalancının Pokeri o çarpıcı çılgın yılların doruğuna çıkıyor ve sahne arkasında Amerikan iş dünyasının özgün ve fırtınalı görünümü yer alıyor. Loading interface About the author. Michael Lewis 41 books Michael Monroe Lewis is an American author and financial journalist. He has also been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair sincewriting mostly on business, finance, and economics. He is known for his nonfiction work, particularly his coverage of financial crises and behavioral finance. Lewis was born in New Orleans and attended Princeton University, from which he graduated with a degree in art history. After attending the London School of Economics, he began a career on Wall Street during the s as a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker The film adaptation of Moneyball was released Great Poker Books To Readfollowed by The Big Short in Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 3, reviews. Petra is wondering when this dawn will beome day. Update On Tuesday, March 1,I got a call, my banker that sounds weird, I'm not sure of the term, but the guy who looks after my account resigned from Morgan Stanley. He said they wanted to put the commission and charges clients pay up too much and that it has become Corruption Central. He says he'll phone me when he finds a new company. Does anything change? My son who is in his last year at law school has a job already with Goldman Sachs. Is he going to become very rich and very corrupt? Will I care as much Great Poker Books To Read it is my son and not my money? What results is either extreme wealth and satisfaction - probably quite a few of these people are psychopaths or guilt and a change in career, or they become just like the American Psychoa rather fun fictional book on the ultimate psycho on Wall Street. The book is highly recommended for lots of open-mouthed, "geez, people act like that", say things like that moments and because Michael Lewis, as always, knows his subject well and writes about it in a very entertaining and non-dry way. Great read. The author quite obviously dislikes and has nothing but contempt for the banking industry - he resigned from Salomon Brothers to write this book but at the time was still married to Diana de Cordova, an investment banker with Morgan Stanley. I wonder if his book had anything to do with the marriage breaking down? He married twice more, both tv journalists, but got out of banking completely and into writing best-selling books. At least his time was his own. It reads like it could have been written about the overblown corruption of the Finance market right now that explodes into the press every few years. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, at least with Wall Street. Relevant because it seems the Big Swinging Dicks of Wall Street are ever with us; ancient because of references to things like WATS lines and the lionizing of Salomon Brothers trader John Meriwether, whose Long-Term Capital Management would spectacularly implode inand Michael Milken, who apparently had not yet been indicted when the book went to press but got a year prison sentence for securities violations. Lewis is a raconteur more than a documentarian, which is both pleasing and irritating. Certainly raconteurs can sell more books. Most people don't want to read dry scholarly accounts of Wall Street. But there are times in the book most of chapters where his writerly persona is so big that it crowds out everything else.
It was one of the first books tailored to the general public that portrayed with great detail the culture of Wall Street, the market evolution of the 80s, and the shenanigans of some of the biggest names in finance at the time. Some terms like CMOs, junk bonds etc are so lucidly explained that even a layman will be able to understand. The book is definitely insightful and educative. I felt like the author jumps back and forth in dates too much and focuses more on the characters than any plot if there is one. Shelve Second Chance Christmas. Big picture, little picture.
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Yayınevi: Guava Books. One of the best books I have read recently dealt with the topic of trading. From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Callihan comes a charming, emotional romance about redefining dreams and discovering unlikely love along the way. Son zamanlarda okuduğum en iyi kitaplardan biri pazarlık konusu hakkındadır. Yazar: Michael Hansen. Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks. 73,29 TL. American Classics Simplified and Adapted For Greater Reading Pleasure By Robert Dixson Book 5 / Bret Harte's Outcast Of Poker Flat - Luck Of Roaring Camp.Investment banks are generally known as the hotbed of high net worth employees who sell products equities, debt, bonds and mortgages here to gullible, often clueless, investors at huge profits to satisfy their ever-increasing appetite for humongous profits. Award-Winning Wall Street Journal bestselling author Kennedy Ryan launches a brand-new series with a Hollywood tale of wild ambition, artistic obsession, and unrelenting love. Because Liar's Poker is their tale, the story of a group of traders and salesmen who at times not only did not make their customers money, but who on occasion used their customers as patsies in order to minimize their own losses at their customers' expense by selling said customers investment products that Salomon Brothers owned, and which Salomon knew were crap when they were sold, in order to get them off Salomon's books. No moral judgement of good or bad here, just an observation of a given point in history. Why anyone would want to work in a place with so much backstabbing and viscousness is beyond me. Gabriel Martinez is… More. Combines great with "Barbarians at the Gate" to show the craziness of the 80s. Petra is wondering when this dawn will beome day. Tüm değerlendirmeleri Türkçe'ye çevir. Hi everyone, thank you for being here. These books teach poker players how to think and act like professionals. I'm a little torn by this book. Liar's Poker makes you feel like there are no more George Baileys left, and that's a tragic and cynical view indeed. Make no mistakes about it. Sistemimiz, ayrıca güvenilirliği doğrulamak için yorumları analiz eder. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Sam Padilla. They include so much additional ear candy in every book; in this one, not only does Lewis himself narrate it, but they pepper in the actual audio from news reports about Wall Street at the time and you feel like you're right back in the '80s, living it. I mean, why else would someone have a child so you… More. Balım, yaşadığı talihsiz olaylara rağmen hayallerindeki restorana ve mutfağa kavuşmuş genç ve güzel bir kadındır. If you wish to get everything you can out of this book, get your Finance straight. Most people don't want to read dry scholarly accounts of Wall Street. Not impressed. Brittainy C. Relevant because it seems the Big Swinging Dicks of Wall Street are ever with us; ancient because of references to things like WATS lines and the lionizing of Salomon Brothers trader John Meriwether, whose Long-Term Capital Management would spectacularly implode in , and Michael Milken, who apparently had not yet been indicted when the book went to press but got a year prison sentence for securities violations. So many changes have taken place and so many firms have ceased to exist since. Good deal of relevant information for both the average investor as well as the seasoned professional. The second connection, more poignant than the first, is this Buffett quote: "There's been far, far, far more money made by people in Wall Street through salesmanship abilities than through investment abilities. Polly Roth. Question and answer format allows players to test their understanding of the nuances of tournament play. Most investment bankers, turns out, are just glorified salesmen. Their days began at 8 a. Shows the value of company culture. So, you may well ask, what does this have to do with Warren Buffett?